genetics cystic fibrosis Down syndrome chromosome problems Mental Retardation Fragile X-syndrome Spina Bifida (open spine) Anencephaly (open skull) Hydrocephalus (water on the brain) Muscular Dystrophy h. Yes No Hemophilia (easy bleeding, free bleeder, or problems clotting) i. Yes No Cystic Fibrosis j. Yes No Stillbirth (baby died prior to… Read More →
Genetic testing and carrier screening (brochure)
Non-invasive prenatal testing by cell-free fetal DNA in maternal circulation – NIPT
unc cell free dna ppv npv positive predictive value sensitivity specificity trisomy 21 trisomy 13 trisomy 18 Harmony Materniti 21 Panorama Verifi Down Syndrome Edwards syndrome Patau syndrome calculator Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis NIPS NIPT
Second trimester maternal serum screening (MSS or Quad screen)
Amniocentesis Down syndrome trisomy 21 trisomy 18 Edwards syndrome open spina bifida AFP alpha-Fetoprotein MSS