The perinatal integrated data sets are sourced primarily from Epic@UNC perinatal data that is integrated with non-Epic data sets (ex: GIS, ACOG categorizations, perinatal tables for metric derivation, SDOH) and organized in different perinatal domains.
The integrated data sets are created with a structured and systematic methodology that provides data lineage, and integrated data sources from different domains can be linked to provide a longitudinal view of perinatal patients.
Currently we have a complete integrated data set for Deliveries, and our plan is to develop other perinatal domains that include prenatal, postpartum, lactation, NICU, ICU, diabetes, and hypertension.
How do I request perinatal data for my project/study?
1. Obtain IRB approval for your project
2. Submit a CDW-H Project Data Request in the NC-TraCS website – please make sure that you request “Randall Blanco” as the Data Analyst.
3. Complete the PRSC Data Request Form for your project.
4. Send an email, with the completed form, to the Health Information Director
TO: Randall Blanco (
SUBJECT: New Perinatal Information Request
** Please attach completed PRSC Data Request Form and the completed CDWH Data Request Form**
Note: Please ensure that your project/study has IRB approval: UNC IRB
5. Following an initial meeting, we will provide an estimate for the number of hours of work required to create the data set and the expected date of date delivery.
We cannot release data until we have received a Chartfield string (or alternative billing method) from the study team.