Launched in 2010 as a partnership between the Departments of Pediatrics and OB/GYN with support from the Duke Endowment, the Collaborative for Maternal and Infant Health has been caring for mothers and families for over 15 years. Over the years we have worked to enhance our care coordination program, adding new services to our expertise including fetal therapy and perinatal palliative care. We have played an important part in infant mortality prevention in North Carolina, taking the lead on translating evidence into practice in areas such as tobacco cessation, 17P and preconception, and supporting statewide strategic plans and the launch of CCNC’s Pregnancy Medical Homes. We have also leaned in to a national role, serving on major committees and leading coalitions, task forces and collaborative efforts.
The Collaborative has been fortunate to work with many different partners over the years who have provided critical support to key programs and research. These include the Duke Endowment, the March of Dimes, the John Rex Endowment, NICHD, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the HHS Office on Women’s Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the NC Division of Public Health, the UNC School of Medicine, UNC Healthcare, the Association for Maternal and Child Health Programs, the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute, HRSA MCHB, and the NC Health and Wellness Trust Fund.
Former Leaders & Team Members
We have been fortunate to work with many strong leaders and staff over the years as well. We recognize Drs. Alan Stiles and Valerie Parisi for their early vision in developing the CMIH model as well as our former Co-Directors Drs Kenneth Moise and John Cotton. We have also partnered with many wonderful professionals including Mary Heinz, Shadericka Willis, Beverly Peckous, Sasha Gomez, Betty Martinez, Dennis Rodriguez, Karen Moise, Susan Trout, Virginia Johnson and Valerie Buckholz.
Family Voices Videos
Over the years we have served thousands of very special mothers, babies and families. Our families travel different journeys but they all show strength and beauty. In December 2010 in celebration of our 10th Anniversary, the Center filmed the stories of 6 very special families who received care through UNC and the Collaborative for Maternal and Infant Health. To watch their stories click on the names below.
Past Projects
The Teach With Stories Method TM combines the oral tradition of storytelling with an empowerment-based facilitation process. The goal of this method and program is to promote and support not just the physical but the spiritual, emotional and intellectual health of women and their families. To learn more about this method and the photonovel teaching guides please click here.
The Collaborative for Maternal and Infant Health has been a partner with Auger Communications, Inc for many years in the ongoing development and promotion of this method. Currently, the Collaborative is proud to be a key evaluation and researcher partner on the Teach With Stories team as we develop updated prenatal education photonovels as well as training guides for lay health educators. Funded by a small business investment grant from the National Institutes of Health, Susan Auger and her comprehensive team are working to reshape the way Latinas learn about prenatal care and connect with themselves and their communities.
North Carolina has been working on preconception health for many years. To learn more about North Carolina’s work in preconception health over the years, click here. This will take you to the Looking Back, Moving Forward document. Just have a few minutes? Read an executive summary of our work by clicking here. With support from the CMIH as guest editor, the North Carolina Medical Journal‘s Sept/October 2009 Issue focused on preconception health. Read it for free by clicking here.
The North Carolina Preterm Birth Prevention TeleHealth Network focused on disseminating and implementing evidence-based strategies to prevent preterm birth from 2014 to 2016. The UNC CMIH and the UNC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine collaborated with Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) to accomplish these goals. This collaborative project built on infrastructure already in place through CCNC’s Pregnancy Medical Home (PMH) Program. Initiatives included development and distribution of clinical guidance materials via PMH Care Pathway Packages; providing support for cervical length measurement credentialing for sonographers; practice-based technical assistance to address tobacco use in pregnancy; establishment of telemedicine capability for maternal-fetal telemedicine consultation in ten rural prenatal care settings. In addition to these activities, the North Carolina Preterm Birth Prevention Symposium was held in May 2016. The goal of this symposium was to support the implementation of proven interventions to prevent preterm birth.